Regular physical activity is fun and healthy. Being more active is very safe for most people. However, some people should check with their doctor before becoming more physically active.
If you are between the ages of 15 and 69, the PAR-Q will tell you if you should check with your doctor before you significantly change you physical activity patterns. If you are over 69 years of age and you are not used to being active, please check with your doctor before filling in this form.
Please read each question carefully and answer them honestly by indicating YES or NO.
You must complete this form before booking your first class/session with us. Forms will be refreshed on an annual basis.
If you answered YES to one or more questions:
You should consult your doctor to ensure it is safe for you to become physically active in your current state of health. You may be able to participate in any activity you want, as long as you start slowly and build up gradually or you may need to restrict your activities to those which are safe for you.
If you answered NO to ALL of the questions:
It is reasonably safe for you to participate in physical activity, gradually building up from your current ability level.
Note: If your condition changes so that you would answer YES to any of the questions on this PAR-Q, you must let us know immediately and consult your doctor to obtain clearance.
Health and Fitness appraisals
If you would like to evaluate your health and fitness level, we offer a detailed health and fitness appraisal with a Personal Trainer which includes fitness testing and an evaluation of your lifestyle and nutrition. Even if you are only interested in attending classes, a health and fitness appraisal can help you understand where you are currently with your health and fitness and where improvements could be made for better health. Please contact us if you would like to book in for one of these sessions.